just a quick question. Is there still a version that supports the import oft EnSite Velocity data?
The import_velocity command isn’t working with the latest version.
Thanks a lot!
just a quick question. Is there still a version that supports the import oft EnSite Velocity data?
The import_velocity command isn’t working with the latest version.
Thanks a lot!
Hi mdx, sorry for the slow reply, welcome to the forum. Actually, yes! there is a version for this and the good news is that we now have a Precision system in our lab so we will be making sure this is fully functional in the new year.
Dear Steven,
thank you for your reply!
I did not find a version for the Velocity system on GitHub… Which version can I use?
Hi, in the next few months we will be tidying up all of this code to also work with our new Precision system.
Can I check, are you working with Velocity, Precision or EnSite? I have to be honest that we do not have a Velocity system, and it is quite out of date now, so I suspect we will not be doing much work on Velocity but I do expect that the code should be working well with Precision.
Just to add that we now have some experimental data to work with with Precision so we will get this tidied up very soon
Just to let you know, this work is under way now