Update - features added today (Dec 2021)

An update about some new features in OpenEP. These are all in the ‘develop’ branch, available here openep-core/develop. As these are now in the develop branch they are roadmapped for the next official OpenEP release (2022). Please definitely let us know if you run into any problems with these features!

  • Hole cutting - HoleCutter.m added which can be used to cut holes in a mesh

  • Splitting datasets - cutMesh.m added which can be used to divide a dataset into two components (including cutting the mesh, but also distributing the electrogram data to the relevant subcomponent)

  • Down sampling - downSampleDataset.m will return a new OpenEP data set with the correct sampling density. For example; an ultrahigh resolution map could be returned as a high density map. reduceMesh.m will return an OpenEP dataset with a reduced number of triangles.

  • Geodesic calculations - these should (hopefully!) now be debugged; and work on Unix systems (Mac and Ubuntu. Sorry, these do not work on Windows yet).

  • getClosedSurface, getMesh, setMesh updated to work with structures, TriRep and Triangulation objects.

  • Creating data - openep_createuserdata() added to create a blank OpenEP dataset which is useful for using OpenEP to work on non-EP type data.

  • Loading VTK - openep_loadVtk.m added which creates an OpenEP dataset from a VTK file.