Warnings when run on Biosense Webster Carto3 data - generated Map empty


I have exported an AF case from Carto3 and I am using the matlab toolbox to recreate the map. The following maps appear for selection when I run importcarto_mem to generate the userdata:

I select the 2-2-1-BipolarNew, then select the reference lead and the ecg lead and I let it run. During the run I get the following warnings (they appear multiple times, the following screenshots are just snapshots)

The second warning troubles me a lot as a) I do have the 2-2-1-BipolarNew-P*-ContactForce.txt files but it looks like it is not searching for them right but rather resolved to the LA* ones. I even moved all the Bipolar data to a different folder than the rest of the data and it still could not find them it kept searching for them without the “…Bipolar” part (I think?).

When the algorithm runs and and generates the userdata, I go ahead to generate the voltage map but inside the userdata struct, the bipolar map is empty and therefore I cannot generate the map.

I have also tried to generate the LA map but I also ended up with the same result.
Let me know if I am doing something wrong, I would very much appreciate it.

Thank you

Hi Melina, first of all welcome to the OpenEP community!

Thank you for reporting these issues. We have found that variations (often internationally) in how the systems are setup up results in these issues sometimes and there isn’t much we can do other than fix the code each time they come up.

Coming to your last point first; however; in recent version of Carto the maps that you see on the system are no longer exported. We have been discussing this for a while but I don’t think it is likely to change soon. Therefore the contents of act_bip and uni_imp_frc will be empty. You can still use the data in userdata.electric (the electrogram data) to recreate your map.

Regarding the first point I think we would probably need to take a look at this one. You could however try pulling the code from Github instead of using the Matlab add on. If you pull the code from Github you can switch to the Develop branch; this is more recent than the code available directly through Matlab which only relates to releases. Please let us know how you get on.

Thank you very much for your quick response, and for welcoming me to the OpenEP community!

I will go ahead then and try to use the userdata.electric to recreat the map. Could you kindly point me to the functions then that I could use to generate the maps? The drawMap function seems to seek the act_bip table so I have not been able to run it, unless there is a different argument list that I could use that I am not familiar yet with.

For the first point, I did try to github code as the thought that the matlab plug in might not be up to date crossed my mind, so this error is with the github code with the latest push on Nov 24, 2021. Let me know if you were referring to a later version.

Thank you again for putting all this work. If it helps, I am collecting data from a US institution.

Hi, yes, with the drawMap function, you can pass in data by using the data parameter; the value pair should be an array with the same number of points as in the triangulation.

I think you are probably using the latest version of the code for the importing …

Hi! Thank you for your reply.
When I load the Bipolar map, the dimensions of numel(userdata.surface.triRep.X) are slightly different than the rest of the matrices (see attached screenshots). Would this be a result of the “xyz” out of range error or does this have to do with the electrodes I select when I run the importcarto_mem() script to create the userdata?

Thank you

Nope it’s looking good actually. It’s a coincidence that the numbers are so close, but the 6299 refers to the number of electrogram points in your case; whilst the 7733 refers to the number of vertices.

What you need to do is interpolate the data across the shell.

To do this you could have a look at the (v old) generateInterpData.m function or possibly better take a look at the new openEPDataInterpolator class in the feature/conduction-velocity branch.

Give us a shout if you need a hand setting that up.

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Thank you very much for your response, I have been able to recreate the bipolar map.
I have a follow-up question:
Are the maps that can be generated via OpenEP directly related to the maps extracted from the system/the maps created during the case?
For example, when extracting the raw data for an AF voltage map (2-2-1-BipolarNew, from the maps listed in the original post), with the ‘drawMap’ function, should we only use it for type “bip” when we are passing the userdata with the data parameter, or is there a way to generate other maps (such as lat) from raw electric data? would then the lat map make sense?

Hi, sorry, I missed this.

You have full control of the map you would like with drawMap (depending on what is available in your data).

If you type help drawMap you could see the options too, but lat should get you an activation map.

If you don’t have maps in your data, from the system, then you can always create them and pass them into drawMap using the data argument.

Hope that helps!